
We’re small, fast, innovative and bursting at the seams with people passionate about technology. We’d like to strengthen our team and we’re seeking enthusiastic, creative, intelligent, and fun individuals to join us in a variety of roles. In return, we can offer you a fun but hard-working environment where you can instantly see your contribution to the company’s success.

We are ready to help you to reach a new level of your business. Our strategy is proven and worked on 100 + business.



Open positions


New York – London –

Berlin or Munich or Hambourg

​We are looking for a Publisher Development Manager in many countries. You will be a major driving force behind the expansion of AudienceRun in the « country » through the development of partnerships with digital publishers.

Publisher development manager

Open positions

Aucun poste ne vous correspond ?

Partagez-nous votre profil et précisez le poste souhaité.


No position matches you?

Share your profile with us and specify the position you want.

Envoyez un mail à Adeline Hernandez, responsable recrutement à l’adresse suivante :

Précisez les informations suivantes :

  • Votre CV en Pièce-Jointe
  • Le poste souhaité
  • Un résumé de ce qui vous attire chez nous.


Send an email to Adeline Hernandez, recruitment manager at the following address:

Specify the following information:

  • Your CV as an attachment
  • The position you are interested in
  • A summary of what attracts you to us.