We pay great attention to the quality of life at work of all our employees by ensuring that everyone gets the position that suits them, by making the most of the skills they have while evolving on new technologies and new responsibilities.

Today, the international growth of our advertising solutions is leading us to double our workforce and in particular to strengthen our sales careers.

10 reasons to join us


​Regular follow-up, during the first 6 months

proximity in leadership

​Our managers are approachable and open

Multicultural & diverse team members

​We hire professionals from various backgrounds and international nationalities

Stimulating workplace

​Diverse and innovative projects in
gaming, advertising, music, Youtube

Our unity is our strength

​​Our careers are authentic and can be themselves. We like each other and have strong bonds, even outside work 🙂

Wellness at work is our main priority

​No stress / no pressure

young & fun team

​​Most of our team members are in their thirties. We enjoy making jokes, no need to take yourself too seriously!

Know how

​Passionate careers and experts in their field

A human sized company

​Everything looks cute when it’s small 😉

Any opinion is taken into consideration

​We are all participants of the company’s development.


​We are full of communicative energy, hard work, giggles, passion, enjoyment of food, after-work, seminars, games, coffee roulette …