Display ads are a popular form of online advertising for publishers. They can be placed on a website or app in a variety of formats, including banner ads, text ads, and video ads. Display ads are typically sold through an ad network or exchange that acts as an intermediary between the publisher and the advertiser.

One of the main benefits of display ads for publishers is that they can generate revenue by selling ad space. This can help offset the cost of running a website or app, and can even provide a revenue stream for the publisher. In addition, display ads can help increase brand awareness and drive traffic to a website or app.

To maximize display ad revenue, publishers should focus on building a large audience and creating high-quality content. This makes their website or app more attractive to advertisers and can increase the value of the ad space. In addition, publishers should consider using ad targeting techniques, such as demographic and geographic targeting, to ensure their ads reach the most relevant audience.

Knowing the important factors to consider when choosing an ad network is critical. Now is the time to evaluate some of the leading players in the market and choose the platform that meets all your requirements. Here they are:

1. Google ADX  

google ad exchange

Google ADX is currently the most widely used ad exchange on the Internet. The display network includes more than 2 million websites and apps serving ads, and the ad inventory is of high quality for both advertisers and publishers due to Google‘s strict standards. To be included in the Google ADX network, publishers must have a monthly traffic of at least 5 million active users.

One of the main advantages of Google ADX is its versatility. It supports a variety of ad formats for different goals such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, and informing audiences. It also offers three popular payment models: CPC, CPM and CPA, which provide flexibility to publishers and advertisers.

Other key benefits include: comprehensive ad customization and optimization, performance tracking and real-time analytics tools, and integration with other Google ad technologies such as Google Analytic.

2. AudienceRun  


AudienceRun is an international ad network founded in France in 2010 and moved its headquarters to the United States in 2018. It is connected to the largest international SSP and offers a wide range of ad formats, including standard IAB formats and unique formats such as UpNext, Fixed Header, Fixed Footer and Interstitial Mobile Ads. The approach is a ready-to-use monetization solution for publishers to improve their revenue by competing multiple demand sources and achieving the best eCPM per page.

AudienceRun is a top display ad network for publishers due to its wide selection of ad formats, high fill rates, innovative solutions, competitive eCPM, focus on user experience and help with monetization. AudienceRun‘s approach of providing a ready-to-use monetization solution allows publishers to focus on their content and audience while it takes care of site monetization. With AudienceRun‘s connections to the largest international SSP platforms and the ability to put demand sources in competition for the best eCPM per page, publishers can be sure they are getting the best possible revenue for their ad space.

 3. Brid.TV Marketplace


Brid. TV is an all-in-one online video platform that provides video hosting, management and distribution solutions, as well as a lightweight, low-latency HTML5 player. It also specializes in monetizing video content through ads.

The Brid. TV Marketplace is an ad network that gives publishers access to a wide range of advertisers. Although it primarily serves video ads, display ads are also available. In addition, Brid. Marketplace is an official Google MCM partner, connecting publishers who do not meet Google‘s traffic requirements with the Google ADX platform for monetization.

The platform supports ad serving across multiple devices, operating systems and applications. Whether you want to monetize a website or need an OTT advertising platform, Brid. TV has a solution for you. It also offers typical ad network features such as analytics, ad optimization and management, a dedicated support team and much more.

Its key features are: Google MCM partners, omnichannel monetization support, dozens of display ad formats, integrations with Openx, Magnite, Unruly and more, programmatic and direct deals, banner fallback feature in case of empty ad views, real-time performance tracking and reporting, full-fledged OVP and HTML5 player.

 4. AdPushup


AdPushup isn’t a traditional ad network, but serves a similar purpose as one. AdPushup positions itself as a platform focused on maximizing revenue for publishers, and most of its features are geared toward that goal. If you’re new to ad monetization, AdPushup may not be right for you. AdPushup doesn’t have a minimum number of visitors, but they only work with sites that are already generating $5,000/month in ad revenue.

AdPushup offers a wide range of tools in three pricing plans, all based on revenue share. These tools include access to Google ADX and AdSense, managed header bidding, revenue reporting, ad optimization and management, and more.

Key features include: Ad inventory optimization, closed network mediation, AdBlock and ad re-insertion protection, integration with many premium ad networks, real-time header bidding solution, and access to Google ADX and AdSense.

 5. BidVertiser


BidVertiser is an Israel-based direct advertising network that offers a wide range of internal tools. The platform has over 80,000 customers worldwide, both on the publisher and advertiser side.

BidVertiser has no specific criteria for monthly website traffic, but does require that websites have high-quality traffic, rather than purchased clicks from traffic exchanges. Other qualifications include high-quality content, at least three months of activity, and regularly updated pages.

Even though the criteria are strict, BidVertiser is a worthwhile platform. It offers high ad fill rates, AI-powered ad optimization tools, omnichannel monetization including websites and mobile apps, ad security features, and multiple ad formats. It also supports all three popular monetization models: CPM, CPC, and CPA.

6. Airnow Media

Airnow Media

Airnow Media, formerly known as AirPush, is a demand-side platform and a component of the Airnow mobile app monetization platform. It acts as an advertising partner for mobile advertisers, primarily serving display ads in mobile apps and browsers, but also supports CTV advertising. The platform has a network of over 150,000 opt-in apps.

It is a programmatic ad platform that uses real-time bidding and offers features such as fully customizable ad templates, detailed targeting options, and real-time performance tracking and reporting.

Airnow‘s key features include: a display platform focused on mobile advertising, a robust demand-side platform, real-time performance tracking, ad optimization tools, programmatic and real-time bidding, and an ad network with over 150,000 apps.

 7. Leadbolt


Leadbolt is another mobile ad network and an award-winning advertising partner and app monetization solution. Their software development kit (SDK) makes it easy for developers to integrate ad-based mobile app monetization.

Leadbolt‘s network includes thousands of advertisers, and according to some case studies, the platform has seen up to 400% increase in eCPM. In addition, the platform offers highly customizable ads and supports a wide range of ad placements and formats, maximizing your app’s monetization potential.

Key features of this ad network include: integrated AI-powered ad optimization tools, direct deal support, crypto-powered programmatic advertising, a wide range of ad placements and formats, and detailed performance reporting and analytics.

 8. Yahoo Ad Tech (Formerly Verizon Media)

Yahoo Ad Tech

Yahoo‘s web browser may not be as widely used as Google‘s, but it excels in ad technology. The platform includes both a supply-side platform (SSP) and a demand-side platform (DSP) and offers a wide range of tools for both advertisers and publishers.

Yahoo supports nearly every transaction model, including header bidding, programmatic direct and guaranteed deals. The platform has consistently high ad demand, resulting in high load rates. Publishers also have access to detailed reporting and ad optimization tools. In addition, the platform offers comprehensive omnichannel support, allowing ads to be served across multiple devices and platforms.

Yahoo’s key features include: Omnichannel advertising support; a wide range of display ads and other ad formats; extensive setup, management and optimization tools; audience targeting and optimization capabilities; an extensive network of advertisers and publishers; and integrated SSP and DSP.

 9. Epom


Epom is a user-friendly ad network that offers a free trial for advertisers. It has a comprehensive set of basic features that any good ad network should have, including detailed analytics and performance tracking, ad optimization tools, real-time bidding support, and more.

Epom can serve ads on a wide range of devices, operating systems, and platforms. Whether you want to monetize your mobile app, website, or video content, Epom has the solutions you need. In addition, the platform supports more than 30 different rich media formats.

Key features include: beginner-friendly ad platform, 30+ supported rich media formats, omnichannel advertising support, detailed and customizable performance reporting, advanced ad optimization and targeting options, and 60+ existing DSP integrations.

 10. Vibrant Media


Vibrant Media is a powerful ad network that gives publishers comprehensive control over their ad inventory. Publishers can set the maximum number of ads on each page, block or limit specific ad types or advertisers, access unified performance reports, and more.

Vibrant Media is also a pioneer in contextual advertising. The platform uses natural language processing technology to match ads with page content, resulting in maximum ad yield.

Key features include: state-of-the-art contextual targeting capabilities, comprehensive ad inventory control tools for publishers, pre-bid brand safety features, machine learning, and extensive performance reporting and ad optimization tools.

Ad Network
Ad Network

If you want to launch a display advertising campaign, it’s important to choose an ad network that fits your goals and target audience. With the right ad network, you can reach your target audience and increase your advertising revenue.

AudienceRun is a good choice for publishers who want to monetize their website through advertising. With its wide range of ad formats, including standard IAB formats and unique formats like UpNext, Fixed Header, Fixed Footer, and Interstitial Mobile Ads, it offers publishers a variety of options. AudienceRun‘s approach of competing multiple demand sources to achieve the best eCPM per page ensures publishers get the highest possible revenue for their ad space. In addition, AudienceRun‘s focus on ease of use and its ability to connect with the largest international SSP platforms makes it a reliable and innovative choice for publishers. Overall, AudienceRun offers a comprehensive monetization solution for publishers that can help them increase their revenue and focus on their core business of creating content and engaging their audience.

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