Press Release

The collaboration allows AudienceRun to increase the value of its publishers’ inventory New York, Paris and London, 02/22/2022 – AudienceRun, a technology and monetization solution for publishers that leverages AI to deliver intelligent ad formats, is partnering with ID5, the leading identity solution for digital advertising. ID5’s identity solution is pioneering the identification of authenticated and unauthenticated users in different digital advertising environments, to increase monetization and enable all digital campaign strategies at scale within a privacy-first infrastructure. By leveraging the ID5 ID, AudienceRun is able to identify a larger share of its publisher partners’ bid requests, increasing the value of their inventory, resulting in higher bid density and more revenue for those partners. The adoption of the ID5 ID is also another significant step that the company is taking to support publishers’ monetization in the cookieless future. It serves AudienceRun’s goal of building competitive publisher solutions that already provide…