Digital ad marketplace EMX (ENGINE Media Exchange) and its New York-based parent company Big Village have filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

The bankruptcy filing is a significant setback for the companies, which had hoped to establish themselves as major players in the digital advertising industry.

According to a source familiar with the matter, who wished to remain anonymous, EMX has ceased most of its operations and nearly all employees have been laid off, with the exception of a small team. It is unclear whether the company will continue operations in any form while it goes through bankruptcy proceedings. The news is the latest in a series of setbacks for the company, which has reportedly failed to pay its publishing partners, with as many as 50% of publishers cutting ties with its platform last month for non-payment.

EMX and Big Village

It is uncertain which of the Big Village companies owned the debt that resulted from the publishers’ nonpayments. However, Lake Capital Partners, the venture capital firm behind Big Village, has decided to file for bankruptcy after failing to find a buyer. Lake Capital Partners was looking for a buyer but could not find one, so it decided to file for bankruptcy to protect its assets and employees.

The bankruptcy filing came after Big Village rebranded from ENGINE in June 2022. EMX was formed in 2018 when ENGINE acquired bRealTime and Clearstream to create a unified Programmatic Business unit. Although the companies had ambitious growth plans, their efforts were hampered by a competitive landscape and financial difficulties.

The digital advertising industry is highly competitive, and a handful of large companies dominate the market. These companies, including Google, Facebook and Amazon, have established themselves as the platforms of choice for advertisers, leaving smaller players struggling to compete. EMX had tried to establish itself as a real alternative to these giants, but could not gain the traction needed to survive.

leading ad companies

The bankruptcy filing is a blow to the company’s employees, many of whom lost their jobs as a result of the closure. It is unclear what the future of the company will be, but it is likely that it will be forced to sell its assets to satisfy its creditors. The bankruptcy process can be lengthy and complicated, and there are many legal and financial hurdles to overcome. It is possible that the company can be restructured and emerge from bankruptcy as a viable entity, but this will depend on a number of factors, including the willingness of creditors to negotiate and the company’s ability to attract new investment.

The bankruptcy filing is also a warning to other digital advertising companies, many of which face similar challenges in the current market. With the industry dominated by a handful of large companies, smaller companies are having a hard time gaining market share and establishing themselves as a real alternative. The failure of EMX and Big Village is a reminder that even well-funded and well-managed companies can fall victim to the difficult conditions of the digital advertising industry.

The bankruptcy filing is also a reminder of how important financial management and planning are in the digital advertising industry. With rapidly changing market conditions and intense competition, companies must be able to adapt quickly and make smart financial decisions. This requires a deep understanding of the industry and a commitment to sound financial practices. Companies that are unable to manage their finances effectively run the risk of failure, regardless of their size or financing.


Ultimately, the bankruptcy of EMX and Big Village serves as a reminder that even well-funded and well-run companies are not immune to the challenges of the digital advertising industry. The industry is highly competitive, and only the strongest and most innovative companies are likely to survive in the long run. For struggling companies, it’s important to take a hard look at their financial management practices and seek expert advice to help them navigate the complexities of the market.

The digital advertising industry is constantly evolving, and companies that fail to keep up with the changes risk falling behind. To remain competitive, companies must be able to quickly adapt to new technologies, emerging platforms and changing consumer behavior. This requires a deep understanding of the industry and a willingness to continuously learn and develop.

Despite the challenges in the industry, there are still opportunities for innovative companies to succeed. By focusing on smart financial management, creative marketing strategies, and a commitment to innovation, companies can carve out a niche and establish themselves as major players in the digital advertising landscape. While the bankruptcy of EMX and Big Village is a significant setback for the industry, it is also a reminder that with careful planning and smart decisions, even the most difficult challenges can be overcome.